• 新闻稿

    发表 04-26-2023


    圣莫尼卡,加州,2023年4月26日 -yabo亚博网站登录首页投资公司, a multi-asset investment management firm with approximately $6 billion in discretionary assets and $32 billion in consulting assets, has been recognized by 联盟格林威治 as a recipient of a Greenwich Quality Leader Award for 2022, 这是该公司连续第六年获得这一荣誉.

    联盟格林威治, CRISIL的全球部门,提供战略基准, 对金融服务行业的分析和见解, seeks to identify firms that distinguish themselves from competitors by delivering superior levels of client service to help institutions achieve their investment goals and objectives.

    Research study results identified Angeles as a leader across several key categories supporting client investment needs, including communication of philosophy and beliefs; offering innovative ideas; credibility with investment committees; satisfaction with managers recommended; timeliness in providing written info and reports; responsiveness to requests, 和更多的.

    “二十多年了, Angeles has focused on delivering the best client service and driving the best possible investment outcomes to help our clients further their missions and impact on the world,” 霍华德·珀洛, Angeles联合创始人. "We are incredibly proud to be recognized for our excellence across these important aspects of managing institutional capital. 智力, 勤奋, 以及我们投资官员的承诺, 首席投资官, 投资团队在这个行业是首屈一指的. 感谢客户的信任与合作, 一些世界上最好的大学."

    联合格林威治举办的第51届年度美国.S. 机构投资者 research included voluntary responses from 727 individuals from 590 of the largest tax-exempt funds in the United States, 包括公司, 公共, 工会、捐赠基金和基金会基金, 养老金或投资组合资产超过1.5亿美元.* 媒体yabo亚博网站登录人:

    yabo亚博网站登录首页投资公司的Prosek Partners

    Angeles Investments is an investment management firm that serves as the Outsourced Chief Investment Office (OCIO) for institutions and nonprofits, 包括高等教育, 私立学校, 和公司, 并通过其财富管理平台为杰出的投资者提供建议. 作为受托人, we are dedicated to creating the best outcomes for our clients through asset allocation and high conviction investments across alternative and traditional asset classes delivered through a full-service investment office.

    *该研究包括了Angeles的14位客户受访者. Angeles的客户参与这项研究不需要付费. The results may not be representative of any one client's experience because the results represent an average of all of the experiences of responding clients only.

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